Sivananda Yoga Ashram


Their mission is to spread peace, health, and joy through the practice and philosophy of yoga and Vedanta; a traditional yoga ashram with a mission to teach classical yoga.

The Need

In the Fall of 2020, due to the Pandemic’s negative financial impact on retreat centers everywhere, the Sivananda Ashram, being unable to receive any financial support from the US government, began to explore the option of starting a fund raising campaign to save the beloved Ashram from closing its doors forever. 

In addition, Sivananda Ashram has a nice facility in the Bahamas, but struggled to market their facility and curriculum.

Work Done:

November 2020 to current day 2022, Patton worked with the Sivananda staff to design and implement a successful fund-raising effort that did indeed save the ashram. Working with both internal staff and potential donors, Patton helped prepare and communicate the case, the timeline, and the strategy for the successful fund-raising effort. 

Modernized (2017 & 2018) the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat marketing department by installing data and analytics capabilities, implementing a professional booking and room inventory system, restructuring to reduce costs and improve lead generation and sales, maximizing mailing list conversion rates and building an in-house phone sales team.